100% of Our projects are certified under the Permanent Forest Sink Initiative (PFSI)

PFSI forests are committed to long-term sustainable management for the primary purpose of carbon sequestration. Forests include indigenous and introduced species.

We go through robust processes to ensure due diligence of all the projects we sell units from. This includes:

  • checking aerial imagery year on year.

  • visiting projects in-person as soon as feasible.

  • having a relationship with the landowners who grow these forests.

We ensure that the projects are real, measurable and hold high environmental integrity. We certify that all the projects meet high quality standards of permanence and conservation.

The forests must be maintained as continuous cover canopy forests for at least 50 years, and harvesting is only permitted on the basis of low intensity individual tree or small coupe removals. These restrictions are recorded in a covenant between the Crown and the landowner and registered against the land title, binding successive owners.

The PFSI will transition into the ETS in 2023 as a new activity called “permanent post-1989 forestry”. The new activity will retain the key features of the PFSI. You can find more details on our FAQ page.

The benefits of permanent forests

Forests are grown for long-term carbon sequestration, conservation and sustainable management.

Permanent forests:

  • improve water quality and protect steep land from erosion, which in turn reduces the risk of flood damage and debris discharge.

  • increase and enhance biodiversity by providing habitat and food for native fauna and flora.

  • avoid ecosystem destruction from land clearance and short rotation forestry.


Permanent Forests NZ supports the Sustainable Development Goals